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Corrections for gravity data
Free Air Gravity Anomaly
Gravity observed at a specific location on Earth's surface can be viewed as a function of three main components:
- the latitude (\(\phi\))of the observation point, accounted for by the theoretical gravity formula;
- the elevation (\(\Delta R\)) of the station, which changes the radius (R) from the observation point to the center of the Earth; and
- the mass distribution (M) in the subsurface, relative to the observation point.
Indirect effect and Cogeoid
Geophysical indirect effect
Sampling theorem
A continuous-time (or analog) signal can be stored in a digital computer, in the form of equidistant discrete points or samples. The higher the sampling rate (or sampling frequency, \(f_S\)), the more accurate would be the stored information and the signal reconstruction from its samples. However, high sampling rate produces a large volume of data to be stored and makes necessary the use of a very fast analog-to-digital converter.
If the continuous signal observed between \(0 < t < T\) is digitized at \(\Delta t\) time intervals, discrete data will consist of \(N = (T/Δt) + 1\) discrete amplitude samples.
The maximum available frequency after digitization at regular \(\Delta t\) intervals is known as the Nyquist frequency \((f_N)\) and is determined only by the sampling interval. The Nyquist frequency is expressed as: $$f_N=\frac{1}{2\Delta t}$$
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem:
The minimum sampling frequency of a signal that it will not distort its underlying information, should be double the frequency of its highest frequency component.
Thus, if a function x(t) contains no frequencies higher than B hertz, it is completely determined by giving its ordinates at a series of points spaced 1/(2B) seconds apart. A sufficient sample-rate is therefore anything larger than 2B samples per second. Equivalently, for a given sample rate \(f_{s}\), perfect reconstruction is guaranteed possible for a bandlimit \(B<f_{s}/2\). \(f_s\)= 2B is called the Nyquist frequency.
If the signal g(t) had frequencies, for example, up to 140 Hz, then sampling at 4 ms, meaning that the maximum acquired frequency components of the signal is at f = 125 Hz, will cause a loss of the remaining 15 Hz of the original signal frequency band.
A continuous-time signal \(x(t)\) with frequencies no higher than fmax can be reconstructed exactly from its samples \(x[n] = x(nT_s)\), if the samples are taken a rate \(fs = 1/T_s\) that is greater than \(2f_{max}\). Note that the minimum sampling rate, \(2f_{max}\) , is called the Nyquist rate.
When we sample at a rate which is greater than the Nyquist rate, we say we are oversampling.
Undersampling and Aliasing
When we sample at a rate which is less than the Nyquist rate, we say we are undersampling and aliasing will yield misleading results.
Disruption of the spectrum because of the sparse sampling of a time signal is termed aliasing.
Aliasing occurs because: when digitized at \(\Delta t\) intervals, the analog \(f(t)\) signal is multiplied by a unit-amplitude comb function \(\delta (t-n\Delta t)\) in the time domain.
This multiplication produces a discrete time series \(f_r\), which consists of a series of amplitude values, mathematically expressed as $$f_r=f(n\Delta t)=f(t).\delta(t-n\Delta t)$$ $$=\sum_{-n}^{n}f_n(n\Delta t).\delta(t-n\Delta t$$
The digitized signal is multiplied by \(\delta (t-n\delta t)\), and multiplication in the time domain corresponds to their amplitude spectra being convolved in the frequency domain. The amplitude spectrum of a comb function is also a comb function sampled at \(\Delta t\) intervals. When the observed signal \(f(t)\) is digitized, this results in its amplitude spectrum \(F(\omega)\) being convolved with a comb function. As a consequence, \(F(\omega)\) becomes periodic along the frequency axis with a period of \(\Delta f\), and periodic recurrences of the discrete spectrum line up at \(\pm n/\Delta t\) intervals.
Because the widening in the frequency domain causes narrowing in the time domain, \(\Delta f\) becomes smaller as \(\Delta t\) gets larger. Therefore, high- and low frequency components of the periodic spectrum superimpose.
Degradation of the spectrum due to low frequency sampling using a sparse sampling interval presents practical issues. When \(f(t)\) is band limited, that is, when its maximum frequency is finite, the analog \(f(t)\) signal can be reconstructed from a digitized discrete signal \(f_r(t)\) without any information loss. In practice, however, such band-limited signals are rarely observed.
The sampling rate must be determined before recording during seismic acquisition. Yet, it is not practically possible to determine the appropriate sampling rate that is sufficiently small to prevent aliasing, because we do not know the highest frequency we record before shooting. Therefore, electronically designed low-pass and wide-band filter circuits, termed anti-aliasing filters, are designed. These are specific bandpass filters of wide passband and their higher frequency cutoff is generally 80% of the Nyquist frequency.
Mathematical procedure
A mathematically ideal way to interpolate the sequence involves the use of sinc functions. Each sample in the sequence is replaced by a sinc function, centered on the time axis at the original location of the sample, nT, with the amplitude of the sinc function scaled to the sample value, x[n]. Subsequently, the sinc functions are summed into a continuous function. A mathematically equivalent method is to convolve one sinc function with a series of Dirac delta pulses, weighted by the sample values. Neither method is numerically practical. Instead, some type of approximation of the sinc functions, finite in length, is used. The imperfections attributable to the approximation are known as interpolation error.
If \(f_S\) is the sampling frequency, then the critical frequency (or Nyquist limit) \(f_N\) is defined as equal to \(f_S/2\).
Any sinusoidal component of the signal of frequency \(f_m\) higher than \(f_N\) (e.g. \(f_m=f_N + \Delta f\)) is not only lost, but it is reintroduced in the sampled signal by folding at frequency \(f_N\) as an alias sinusoidal component of frequency \((f_m=f_N -\Delta f)\). This effect is known as aliasing.
When a sinusoidal signal of frequency f is sampled at frequencies greater than 2f, the sampling rates are adequate enough for the accurate reconstruction of the original sinusoidal signal, whereas if the sampling frequencies are less than 2f, subsampling occurs, and the collected points may be considered as belonging to signals of lower frequencies.
The alias frequencies due to subsampling can be calculated by the following equation: Alias frequency: \(f_a = | f - k f_S |\) where \(k=1,2,\ldots\)
For example: when \(f_S = 1.4f\), the alias frequency is \(f_a = | f - 1\times1.4f | = 0.4 f\), whereas, when \(fS / f = 0.8\), the alias frequency is \(f΄ = | f - 1x0.8f | = 0.2 f\)
The energy at frequencies higher than ωN folds back into the principal region (–ωN, ωN), known as the aliasing or edge folding phenomenon.
GATE questions Signal Processing
GATE - 2009
1. Which of the following is a minimum-phase wavelet? The first value in each case is at time zero.
(a) {– 2, 5, – 2} (b) {– 2, 5, 2}
(c) {6, – 1, – 2} (d) {3, 4, – 4}
(a) {– 6, 1, 1} (c) {– 1, 6, 1} | (b) {– 1, 1, 6} (d) {1, – 1, 6} |
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 3 and 4:
Given the wavelets, a = {3, – 2} and b = { 1, – 2}
3. The cross-correlation, \(\phi_{ab}\) is given by
(a) {– 6, 7, – 2} (b) {– 6, 10, – 12}
(c) {– 4, – 11, – 6} (d) {– 6, 11, – 4}
4. The inverse of wavelet ‘a', \(W_a^{– t}\) is given by
(a) {4/3, 16/9, 17/7, 64/81}
(b) { 1/3, 2/9, 4/27, 8/81}
(c) {4/9, 1/3, 64/81, 16/27}
(d) {16/27, 64/81, 4/9, 1/3}
5. Match the following functions in time-domain with their fourier spectra:
(b) P - 1, Q - 3, R - 2, S - 4
(c) P - 1, Q - 4, R - 2, S - 3
(d) P - 2, Q - 1, R - 3, S - 4
GATE 2010
(c) sin t (d) cos t
(b) P - 2, Q - 1, R - 5, S - 4
(c) P - 3, Q - 1, R - 2, S - 1
(d) P - 2, Q - 4, R - 1, S - 5
GATE 2011
(a) 100 (c) 150 | (b) 125 (d) 175 |
(b) P - 3, Q - 4, R - 2, S - 1
(c) P - 3, Q - 4, R - 1, S - 2
(d) P - 2, Q - 3, R - 4, S - 5
Common Data for Questions 4 and 5:
Time series P and Q are given by
P = {1, – 1, – 2, 0, 1}
Q = {1, 0, – 1}
4. The convolution of P and Q is
(a) {– 1, 0, 3, 1, – 3, – 1, 1}
(b) {1, – 1, – 3, 1, 3, 0, – 1}
(c) {1, – 1, – 3, – 1, 3, 1, – 1}
(d) {1, 0, 3, 1, – 3, – 1, 1}
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
GATE 2012
Common Data QuestionsCommon Data for Questions 1 and 2
A signal having duration of 10 seconds is sampled at a rate of 1000 samples per second. The maximum frequency of the sampled signal is 475 Hz.
1. If t he signal has been under -sampled, the maximum frequency (in Hz) of the original signal would have been
(a) 475 (c) 525 | (b) 500 (d) 550 |
GATE 2013
GATE 2014
(b) [1, -1, -2, 2]
(c) [1, 0, -2, 2]
(d) [1, -2, -1, 2]
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.05
GATE 2015
(c) low-pass filtering (d) band-reject filtering
GATE 2016
GATE 2017
GATE 2018
GATE 2019
GATE 2020
Cement Bond Log
The amplitude of an acoustic wave decreases as it propagates through a medium. This decrease is known as attenuation. It depends on several factors:
- The wavelength of the wave and its type (longitudinal or transversal).
- The texture of the rock (pore and grain size, type of grain contact, sorting), as well as the porosity, permeability and the specific surface of the rock pores.
- The type of fluid in the pores and in particular its viscosity.
- Rock fractures or fissures.
In cased wells the attenuation depends mainly on the quality of the cement around the casing. This can be indirectly measured by recording the sonic amplitude. This application is known as the Cement Bond Log (or CBL).
Different causes of attenuation
1. Loss of energy through heating
The vibration caused by the passage of a sonic wave causes energy loss in the form of heat. This loss of energy can have several interactions - Solid-to-solid friction, Solid-to-fluid friction or Fluid-to-fluid friction.
2. Redistribution of energy
The energy of the secondary wave comes from the primary wave and so a fraction of the original energy is transferred to the medium M2.
A transverse wave moving in the medium M1 also transfers part of its energy to M2 in the form of a compressional wave.
All this occurs in open hole along the borehole wall where the mud-formation boundary occurs and also in cased hole where the casing is not well cemented.
When the sonic wave encounters particles, whose dimensions are less than the wavelength, the sonic energy is dispersed in all directions, whatever is the shape of the reflection surface.
Different Attenuations happening in borehole
1. Open-hole
This is due the acoustic losses due to friction e.g., solid to fluid, and to dispersion losses at particles in suspension in the mud.
In a pure liquid this attenuation follows for one unique frequency:
in which m is the attenuation factor in the liquid, proportional to the source of the frequency, and x is the distance over which the attenuation is measured.
For fresh water and at standard conditions of temperature and pressure, for a frequency of 20 kHz the attenuation factor is of the order of \(3\times 10^{-5}\) db/ft.
It is higher for salt water and oil.
It decreases
as the temperature and pressure increase.
For normal drilling muds which contain solid particles we have to add the effect of dispersion. It is estimated that the total dispersion is of the order of 0.03 db/ft for a frequency of 20 kHz.
In gas cut muds the attenuation caused by dispersion is very large, so making all sonic measurements impossible.
Note: Gas-cut mud: A drilling fluid (or mud) that has gas (air or natural gas) bubbles in it, resulting in a lower bulk, unpressurized density compared with a mud not cut by gas.
Attenuation by transmission of energy occurs at the mud-formation boundary for waves arriving at an angle of incidence less than critical.
(i) Frictional energy loss
In non-fractured rocks the attenuation of longitudinal and transverse waves is an exponential function of the form:
in which 'a' is the total attenuation factor due to different kinds of friction: solid to solid (a'), fluid to solid (a'') and fluid to fluid (a'''): a = a' + a'' + a'''
and l is the distance travelled by the wave. It is given by the equation:
$$l = L - (d_h - d_{tool})tgi_c$$
where L is the spacing, \(d_h\) and \(d_{tool}\), are the diameters of the hole and the tool, \(i_c\) is the critical angle of incidence, which goes down as the speed in the formation increases.
- When the rock is not porous, the factors a'' and a''' are zero.
- When the rock is water saturated, a''' = 0.
- In porous rocks, the attenuation factor a'' depends on the square of the frequency, whereas the factors a' and a''' are proportional to the frequency.
- The factor a'' depends equally on porosity and permeability. It increases as the porosity and permeability increase.
- The attenuation factors a' and a'' decrease as the differential pressure \(\Delta p\) (geostatic pressure - internal pressure of the interstitial fluids) increases.
- When the rock contains hydrocarbons a greater attenuation of the longitudinal wave is observed in the case of gas than for oil (the factor a''' non zero).
So, we can write that for a given tool considering all the different parameters acting on the attenuation:
$$a = F(f, v, \phi, k, S, \mu, \Delta p, \rho)$$
\(f=\) frequency,
\(v=\) velocity of sound,
\(\phi=\) porosity,
\(k=\) permeability,
\(S=\) saturation,
\(\mu=\) viscosity of the fluids,
\(\Delta p=\) differential pressure and
\(\rho=\) density of the formation.
(ii) Loss of energy through dispersion and diffraction: this appears mainly in vuggy rocks.
When a formation is made up of laminations of thin beds of different lithology at each boundary some or all of the energy will be reflected according to the angle of incidence. This angle is dependent on the apparent dip of the beds relative to the direction of the sonic waves. In the case of fractured rocks the same kind of effect occurs with the coefficient of transmission as a function of the dip angle of the fracture with regard to the propagation direction.
There is another effect due to transfer of energy along the borehole wall this part is already explained above.
2. Cased hole
The attenuation is affected by the casing, the quality of the cement and the mud.
If the casing is free and surrounded by mud, it can vibrate freely. In this case, the transfer factor of energy to the formation is low and the signal at the receiver is high. In some cases, even when the casing is free we can see the formation arrivals (on the VDL). This can happen if the distance between the casing and the formation is small (nearer than one or two wavelengths), or when the casing is pushed against one side of the well but free on the other. Transmission to the formation is helped by the use of directional transmitters and receivers of wide frequency response.
If the casing is inside a cement sheath that is sufficiently regular and thick (at least one inch) and the cement is well bonded to the formation the casing is no longer free to vibrate. The amplitude of the casing vibrations is much smaller than when the casing is free and the transfer factor to the formation is much higher. How much energy is transferred to the formation depends on the thickness of the cement and the casing. As energy is transferred into the formation the receiver signal is, of course, smaller.
Between the two extremes, well bonded casing and free pipe the amount of energy transferred and hence the receiver signal will vary.
Cement Bond Log
In the case of the Cement Bond Log (CBL), the general method is to measure the amplitude of the first arrival of the compressional wave at the receiver. These arrivals have a frequency between 20 and 25 kHz.
The amplitude of the first arrival is a function partly of the type of tool (particularly the tool spacing) and of the quality of the cementation: the nature of the cement and the percentage of the circumference of the tubing correctly bound to the formation.
As we have seen the amplitude is a minimum, and hence the attenuation a maximum, when the tool is in a zone where the casing is held in a sufficiently thick annulus of cement (one inch at least). The amplitude is largest when the casing is free.
Attenuation index
Law of attenuation in open hole
Variable density log (VDL)
- Strong amplitude of the compressional wave (E, or E2);
- weak or no P-chevron pattern;
- low amplitude of the shear waves; and
- well defined S-chevron pattern.
- low-amplitude P wave (E, and E2);
- little or no S-chevron patterns; and
- some P-chevron patterns.