Simple geology

Earth and planetary system – 

  • terrestrial planets and moons of the solar system; 
  • size, shape, internal structure and composition of the earth; 
  • concept of isostasy; 
  • elements of seismology – body and surface waves, 
  • propagation of body waves in the earth’s interior; 
  • Heat flow within the earth; 
  • Gravitational field of the Earth; geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; 
  • continental drift; plate tectonics – relationship with earthquakes, volcanism and mountain building; 
  • continental and oceanic crust – composition, structure and thickness. 
  • Weathering and soil formation; 
  • landforms created by river, wind, glacier, ocean and volcanoes.
Basic structural geology - 

  • stress, strain and material response; 
  • brittle and ductile deformation; 
  • nomenclature and classification of folds and faults.
Crystallography – 

  • basic crystal symmetry and concept of point groups. 
Mineralogy – 

  • silicate crystal structure and determinative mineralogy of common rock forming minerals.
  • Petrology of common igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Geological time scale - Geochronology and absolute time. 

Stratigraphic principles- major stratigraphic divisions of India.

Mineral, coal and petroleum resources of India.

Introduction to remote sensing.

Engineering properties of rocks and soils.

Elements of hydrogeology.

Principles and applications of gravity, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic, seismic and radiometric 
methods of prospecting for oil, mineral and ground water; 

introductory well logging.

Outside GATE mentioned

Physical Geology

Structural Geology
