Seismic methods


  • Elastic properties of earth materials; 
  • Reflection, refraction and CDP surveys; 
  • land and marine seismic sources, 
  • generation and propagation of elastic waves, velocity – depth models,
  • geophones, hydrophones, 
  • digital recording systems, 
  • digital formats, 
  • field layouts, 
  • seismic noise and noise profile analysis, 
  • optimum geophone grouping, noise cancellation by shot and geophone arrays,
  • 2D, 3D and 4D seismic data acquisition, 
  • processing and interpretation; CDP stacking charts, binning, filtering, static and dynamic corrections, 
  • Digital seismic data processing, seismic deconvolution and migration methods, 
  • attribute analysis, bright and dim spots, 
  • seismic stratigraphy,
  • high resolution seismics, 
  • VSP, 
  • AVO, 
  • multi-component seismics and seismic interferometry. 
  • Reservoir geophysics- Rock Physics and Petrophysics.