Geophysical Well Logging


  • Principles and techniques of geophysical well-logging, 
  • SP, 
  • resistivity,
  • induction, 
  • gamma ray, 
  • neutron, 
  • density, 
  • Sonic 
  • temperature
  • dip meter
  • caliper
  • nuclear magnetic resonance- longitudinal and transverse relaxation
  • CPMG sequence
  • porosity characterization
  • Cement bond logging
  • micro-logs. 
  • Pulsed Neutron Devices and Spectroscopy; 
  • Multi-Array and Triaxial Induction Devices; 
  • Quantitative evaluation of formations from well logs; 
  • Logging while drilling; 
  • High angle and horizontal wells; 
  • Clay Quantification; 
  • Lithology and Porosity Estimation; 
  • Saturation and Permeability Estimation; 
  • application of bore hole geophysics in ground water, mineral and oil exploration.