Electromagnetic Methods


  • Geo-electromagnetic spectrum; 
  • Biot Savart’s Law; Maxwell’s Equation, Helmotz Equation, Basic concept of EM induction in the earth, Skin-depth, elliptic polarization, inphase and quadrature components, phasor diagrams; 
  • Response function and response parameters; 
  • Ground and Airborne Methods, 
  • measurements in different source-receiver configurations; 
  • Earth’s natural electromagnetic methods-tellurics, geomagnetic depth sounding and magnetotellurics; 
  • Electromagnetic profiling and Sounding, 
  • Time domain EM method; 
  • EM scale modeling, 
  • processing of EM data and interpretation; 
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Methods; 
  • Effect of conducting overburden; 
  • Geological applications including groundwater, mineral environmental and hydrocarbon exploration.